

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a light touch, holistic, energy-based modality that encourages normal energy flow in the body, enhancing the body's innate healing ability.

The benefits of reiki are truly endless. It is most commonly used for:

  • stress and pain reduction

  • sleep assistance

  • increased focus

  • alleviating anxiety and depression

  • grief recovery

  • assistance in healing or clearing old emotional wounds and blockages

  • channeling abundance

I have personally been practicing Reiki for over 15 years and can attest to its life-changing benefits. If you’d like to learn more about me and my personal practice, go here.

What is included in a Reiki session?

Before your session, we will have a brief consultation (by video if doing distance reiki) and discuss an intention you may wish to set beforehand.

During the session, you will either be sitting or laying down, as I practice (hands-off). We can work with music, or in silence, whatever feels right for you!

After your session, you will receive an email from me including notes on anything I may have picked up during the session as well as some potential self-care recommendations, resources, or intuitive journal prompts for you to follow over the course of the next few days following the session.

How does distance Reiki work?

I hear this question all the time from new clients!

Here's my short answer: There is no space or time when it comes to energy. We are connected through a universal web beyond anything physical or material that connects all living beings. As a reiki practitioner, I am attuned as a channel for universal energy (otherwise called Prana, Chi, etc.). When I send reiki to you, it is not MY energy that I'm sending, but pure universal energy, for the benefit of your highest good and healing.

Things to know before we start:

  • Do not consume alcohol or any mind/body altering substances immediately prior to our session to the best of your ability

  • Have a glass of water nearby

  • To the best of your ability, have somewhere quiet that you can lay down and rest during the session

  • Have layers (blanket or sweater) nearby

  • You do not have to DO anything. This is your time to rest. Reiki is a very present experience, much like massage therapy. You do not have to come with thoughts or feelings prepared. Just be receptive, and trust you will receive everything you need.

Common sensations during and after a Reiki treatment:

It’s common to experience some kind of physical or energetic sensations during a Reiki treatment. Here’s what I most often hear from my clients:

  • Change in body temperature: People might find they grow hot or cold during a session, this is normal a sign of release. Have layers or a blanket nearby, it doesn’t last long :)

  • Random twitching: Very normal! this is a great sign that your body is receiving Reiki in a healthy way.

  • Stomach gurgling: The gut is the most receptive organ to Reiki, it usually is the first to react. Absolutely normal for your stomach to gurgle or make noise during our time together.

  • Tingling: Most people describe experiencing a tingling sensation while receiving Reiki. It can feel slightly magnetic. Often warm, and vibrational.

  • No feeling is ok too, trust the process: You might not feel anything at all other than a general sense of calm and that’s ok! Just trust that the energy is going where it needs to, and is doing the work with or without you “involved”. 

Please contact me to book a session:

1 Hour session ($110)

30 min distance healing ($70)

*sliding scale payment is offered starting at $60

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